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发布时间:2024-04-21 23:36:44

1. 组装电脑 用英语怎么

assembly computer组装电脑
Set up是安装

2. 电脑用英语怎么说

电脑: computer

<electronic brain> <electronic computer> <electron brain> <compputer> <computor> <computator> <computery>
1. 我得到一台电脑作生日礼物。
I'm getting a new computer for birthday present.
2. 这家公司现在使用电脑来计算所有的帐目。
The company now uses a computer to do all its account.
3. 我们用电脑查找所有用连字符连接的词。
We did a computer search for all the hyphenated words.
4. 这些发展促使家用电脑的需求量增大。
These developments have created a great demand for home computers.
5. 我们用电脑取代了老式的加法计算器。
We've replaced the old adding machine with a computer.
6. 他们一直纠缠着要他买一台电脑。
They kept badgering him to get a home computer.
7. 由于电脑工业的发展,许多新公司纷纷成立。
The computer instry has spawned a lot of new companies.
8. 文件已经被输入到一台便携式电脑里了。
The documents have been typed into a portable computer.

3. 在电脑上 用英语怎么说 求

在电视上,电脑上都用介词on,答案是on the computer



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