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Best Original Key Equipment(BOKE)
四人通过通力合作、明确分工,发挥各自所长,成功设计出了具有结构简单,桌子高度调节与桌面角度调节操作方便、平稳、安全,桌面多功能化,更适合学生的写字、看书、画图功能,同时纠正学生的坐姿,健康快乐的学习的易升降健康学习桌椅。父亲Bob把桌椅取名BOKE(四个孩子名字的首字母),寓意:儿童人生起步的最佳学习装备(Best Original Key Equipment)!

A short story about BOKE
Best Original Key Equipment (BOKE)
There is such a happy family, the father named Bob, is an engineer who has a unique perspective in furniture design and manufacturing process. The mother named Kellen, is a virtuous housewife. They have four child, Original, Key and Equipment. They six live a happy life!
In the process children growing up, the father found that four children all inherited his excellent gene. The eldest son has the strong ability in the furniture material selection, he can screen out the material in best quality, from the varied and confused wood& steel material, used in the manufacturing process. The elder son Original can design procts to meet the customers’ needs, by analyzing the specific target customers’ proct demands. And the youngest twin sister and brother, Key and Equipment, also each has their own merits. The sister can master the key parts of the proct accurately, the brother can develop his own school in the furniture’s overall assemblage and the furniture’s space combination.
The father, Bob, has focused on fostering the children their sense of team cooperation, aims at designing and manufacturing the furniture different from others in usability, functionality as well as the environment protection. Bob decided to let his four children to cooperate in designing and manufacturing a set of class furniture to settle the child’s problem excellently.
Best selected the plastic material in line with the Europe E1 standard and the steel material with good performance carefully, used to manufacture the desk top and desk bases. Original made a conclusion that the class furniture should have these characters by the market research analysis, the angle of the desktop and the height of the desk can adjust easily. Key designed the non-slip reading case, pencil groove and the pencil box in the key parts of the desk top, and relevant unevenness according to the ergonomics in the surface of chair. Equipment designed the package for the proct based on portable and easy to assemble principles.
Fully cooperation, clear-cut assignment of responsibility and displaying all their own abilities, they designed the healthy study furniture successfully, with these following features, easy structure, easy to adjust the angle of the desktop and the height of the desk, steady and safe, the multifunctional desktop, the function more suitable for reading, writing and painting, correct students’ sitting posture at the same time.
Bob named the study furniture , BOKE(the first alephs of the four child),meaning, the best original equipment for the child’s study in the key stage(Best Original Key Equipment)!

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